Thursday, October 2, 2008

3-months old

Jake is now 3 months and 1 week old. Boy, time has flew by. He survived his vaccines just fine although he is not looking forward to his 4-month check-up and his next round of vaccines. Or maybe Mommy is just not looking forward to them.
Jake was tongue-tied when he was born which is when the frenulum under the tongue is too tight and you are not able to move your tongue around as easily as someone else. So he had a visit with an Ear Nose and Throat specialist who snipped the frenulum and now all he does is stick his tongue out at us. I am sure I will regret it later on! All in all, he is doing great from that traumatic week of doctors causing him pain. But he is a better nurser now that he can move his tongue and can follow us when we stick our tongues out at him.

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