Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1st Tooth

Jake has his first tooth! We didn't think it was ever going to pop but it finally did. It's still not all the way through so we don't have any pictures yet but as soon as we can get one, we will!

Jake is also a 'pro' at sitting now. He doesn't fall down anymore. He also is rolling across rooms, in both directions.

Crawling is next... you can tell he wants to do it, but has no idea how to yet! I am sure he will figure it out in no time! Stay Tuned!


The High Family said...

Kim ~

Are you guys in PA? I saw the 1st Phillies game post so I thought maybe you guys were in or close to Philly?! I went to college at Penn State Abington and did my internship in Manayunk.

It is sooo neat to find other mommies that might live near me!

Congrats on Jake's 1st tooth. My Kara is still fighting with the two on the bottom..should be soon!

~ Bobbi :)

The High Family said...

OMG! We live so close to one another. I live in Sinking Spring...just on the other side of town. I grew up in Exeter and went to Exeter School District! Actually Chris and I lived in Exeter until 2005 when we bought this house. What grade do you teach?

We totally need to get together!