Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jungle Wonder

There is a fun arcade/playland near us called Jungle Wonder and we recently took Jake and Ryan there. Jake really had a blast. There was a moon bounce for just kids under 24 months and then a large jungle gym/sliding area. Jake conviced his Pop-Pop to climb through the jungle gym with him. We had such a good time! We will definitely be going back especially now that it's too cold to go outside.

Jay's new job

Jay recently accepted a new position with Ernst and Young in Philadelphia. It's been an adjustment but he is enjoying it so far. He will be doing some traveling which he probably isn't too happy about but in the end it's going to be really good for his career. He was in Boston for 2 days and Chicago for 2 days last week. We were really excited to see him when he got home. Jake kept screaming 'Dadda Dadda' He even said 'Daddy' at one point.

Jake and Ryan

Things are a little crazy around the house. We are definitely adjusting to two. When someone tells you that 2 is harder than 1, BELIEVE THEM! Maybe it's just because they are so close in age but it's hard. A good hard though. We are enjoying our little girl and Jake is too!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ryan Elizabeth

Ryan Elizabeth arrived on November 3, 2009 @ 9:59pm. She weighed in at 7lbs 13oz and was 20.5inches long.

She is doing very well and we are enjoying our new addition. So far everyone seems to like Ryan....Jake, Chelsea and Bailey... hopefully it stays like that!

Here's a few pictures!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Jake is a big boy... however, not big enough to fit in the 'big boy toddler' costumes but WAY too big for the infant-toddler costumes. So Jake was a Farmer this year! He also had a cow (also known as our dog Bailey) that he took along with him. He absolutely hated his hat and would rip it off his head at any opportunity. But he enjoyed the candy!

Update on Baby Girl Musselman

Baby Girl Musselman will be making her arrival on November 3, 2009... or at least that is when I will be induced.

We had an eventful week this past week. I was experiencing some nausea, vomitting and other things on Wednesday and since I am a teacher (whose school had an 'undisclosed' number Swine Flu cases) they sent me home to get immediately started on Tamiflu. After taking that and it not working, they sent me to the ER to be tested for the Swine Flu. It's amazing how they treat you when they aren't sure whether or not you are a carrier for H1N1. Jay and I sat in isolation for about 4.5 hours until we were told what we already knew... 'You don't have Swine Flu, but are probably just in the early stages of labor.'

Once the test came back negative, they moved us to the OB Triage area to be monitored and see my doctor. Basically I was the first OB patient to possibly have H1N1 and they weren't sure of the protocol.

Once I had the opportunity to see my doctor, she filled me in on why they immediately put me on Tamiflu. Basically because of my symptoms, if I were not put on Tamiflu they would keep the baby from me for 48hours to make sure that I couldn't pass anythin to her. By being on Tamiflu, they do not have to do this now. However, they have decided to induce me immediately following my last dose of Tamiflu and I am not allowed back at work (where I can get H1N1 easier).

Fortunately, my doctor is awesome and has decided to not induce me on Monday (which is technically the day I should be induced) because Jay has World Series tickets... Instead, she is holding off until Tuesday @ 8:00am.

Stay tuned because we will have some updates in the next couple of days for you!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


We are coming down the home stretch... Our little girl will be here in 4 weeks. We had our last ultrasound on Thursday and she currently weighs 5lbs 4oz. Looks like she will be about 7lbs 4oz at delivery. Jake give 'baby' kisses and hugs every night, so it should be interesting when she isn't in mommy's belly any more.
We will update the blog when she is born!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jake's First Trip to the Beach

Jake and I went to the beach for a week with my mom (Jake's Mom-mom). It was a nice trip however, a 13-month old at the beach isn't very relaxing. He loved putting the sand and the shells in his mouth so the majority of my time was spent making sure he didn't put his hands in his mouth. All in all, it was a fun trip and I am looking forward to the beach next year... when Jake's a year older!

First Haircut

Jake had his first haircut on August 1st. It was needed but we didn't take too much off in fear that the curls would all disappear. Fortunately, he has curly hair like his mom... so the curls are still around!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And I'm off...

Jake is officially walking. He has been making attempts at it for about 2 months; holding your hand most the time but now he is walking around the house like a mad man all by himself! He will pull up on anything he can so he can walk. His next step will be figuring how to stand up on his own without pulling up on something. It should be getting interesting around the Musselman house now that the Jake man is walking!

P.S. Jake is carrying the basket because he likes to fill it with different things around the house... such as toys, keys, remotes, coasters, sunglasses, etc.

Jake and Daddy go to the Phils Game

I recently went on a girl's weekend getaway with my sister on a cruise to the Bahamas. Jay and Jake spent lots of time with the grandparents on both sides! It was no surprise to me because not only do the grandparents get to see their grandson, but they also provided dinner for the boys while Mommy was gone!

Jay and Jake went to the Phils game on Sunday July 12th and as luck would have it, Jay was able to trade our two tickets in Left field for one ticket in the DIAMOND CLUB only 6 ROWS OFF THE FIELD! All the good stuff happens when I am gone!


We went to Knoebels in July and it was a great time! Jake LOVED the giant ball pit. He sank to the bottom and couldn't move but loved watching the other kids jump around him. He loved the food which is no surprise since our little man is an endless pit! Jake also enjoyed camping for the first time... he enjoyed it so much that he woke us up at 3:45am to play on the last night! Boy that was fun!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jake's First Birthday!

Jake turned ONE on June 25th. We can't believe that he's already 1! This year just flew by... it's so hard to believe that a year ago we were bringing him home from the hospital.
We celebrated Jake's birthday on Saturday June 27th. We had to push our party back 2hours because a terrible storm knocked out our electricity. Luckily it came back on about an hour and a half before the party.
The party was great and Jake seemed to really enjoy himself. Thanks to all that were able to make the party!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

11-Months Old!

11-Months Old!
It's hard to believe that in less than a month Jake will be a year old. We don't know where the time went! He has grown so much and it amazing us every day! He is moving through the house by crawling and will walk holding only 1 of your hands. It's only a matter of time until he is walking on his own. This should be a hint to mommy and daddy to get moving on that baby proofing but it's still not done yet! I am looking forward to spending all summer with my little guy and learning new things. We are planning lots of day trips so keep checking back for more updates!

Expecting baby #2!

For those of you who don't know, we are expecting another baby! Yes, Jake is going to be a big brother! We are due November 7th and are super excited to be making our family larger. We do not know what we are having yet, but we will definitely be finding out. Check back around mid-August to find out what we are having!

Swim Class

Jake started swimming class at 6-months old, which he absolutely loves! We are hoping that this will help him when he is older and maybe even be a swimmer! Who knows! All I know, is that he loves swimming!


I know it's been a while... We have been super busy. My softball season started in March and it just ended (mid-May) so there has been very little down time in the Musselman household.

We traveled to Disney for Spring Training with my high school softball team. Jake did great on the flight... slept most the way. Once we were at Disney, there was lots to see and do. My only disappointment was that we saw NONE of the characters. Apparently it's their 'off-season' time. We will be returning there in March 2010 for Spring Training.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Pictures - Cancun

Here are some pictures from our trip to Cancun!


Monday, February 9, 2009


We recently traveled to Cancun because Kim's sister got married. The wedding was beautiful and Cancun was amazing. Our resort was awesome and we had such a great time! Jake really enjoyed the sand on the beach, but not so much the water... It was pretty cold. Jake is quite the traveler as he did great on the flight to Cancun, but had about as much as he could handle by the end of the trip... Gotta love a crying baby on a plane huh?
Here's some pictures!

Friday, February 6, 2009

2nd Tooth

Jake now has 2 teeth! How excited we were when the other tooth came through on the bottom. He is working on his top teeth now... which could be why he is biting everything in sight. This wasn't a problem before but now he hurts when he bites your finger or your face!
I will post a picture of his toothy grin soon! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1st Tooth

Jake has his first tooth! We didn't think it was ever going to pop but it finally did. It's still not all the way through so we don't have any pictures yet but as soon as we can get one, we will!

Jake is also a 'pro' at sitting now. He doesn't fall down anymore. He also is rolling across rooms, in both directions.

Crawling is next... you can tell he wants to do it, but has no idea how to yet! I am sure he will figure it out in no time! Stay Tuned!